Hey pals... welcome back. Here i found new tutorial lets see how to do this :)

step 1: Here we see the image 1 it is the sources. One is a women and a chrome texture.
step 2 : Now just duplicate the women layer and burn around her eyes like the Image 2.
step 3 : In this step just burn around the mouth a little bit and desaturate the layer (ctrl+shift+U).(image
step4: Now just change the layer mode to softlight. and press ctrl+E for merging all layers.(image 4)
step 5: Now the fun part. Now a little bit adjustments to the eyes. Simply select the eyes with the circle
selection tool and duplicate the layer (ctrl+j). Now adjust the color with hue/saturate (ctrl+u). Play the
different setting as you like. Here in picture (image 5).
step6 : Now we are trying to add some burn skin effect for this we are using the chrome texture as
image 1. Now arange the chrome layer above and select the skin part of the women. Now just invert the
selection and press delete. as in the image 6 and 7.
step 7 : In this step we are just playing with the curves. First change the chrome layer mode to overlay
or softlight of hard light what effect you like. in this i used overlay. Now press ctrl+m (for curves) and
play with the bar as you like (i prefer to drag down the curve to the bottom as in the image 8).
step 8: Huh its over. Now say thanks to me and photoshop. And the final image here :). I hope you like
this small tut. Will be back ................................................. :D